Alfabetisch overzicht van vertoonde films bij Filmliga / Filmhuis Hengelo, waarvan de titel begint met de letter T.
Voor meer informatie over een bepaalde film, kijk op het Internet, bijvoorbeeld bij de International Movies Database waar over (bijna) iedere film uitgebreide informatie is te vinden.




Titel van de film Seizoen Bijzonderheden
Tales from the golden age 2010-2011
Tampopo 2018-2019
Taste of cherry 1999-2000
Tatami 2024-2025
Taxi blues 1991-1992
Taxi driver 2017-2018
Taxi Teheran 2015-2016
Tea with the Dames 2024-2025 Themadag (Maggie Smith)
Tegendraads 2024-2025
Ten 2003-2004
Terraferma 2011-2012
The 39 steps 2009-2010
The act of killing 2013-2014
The Albanian virgin 2023-2024
The American 2010-2011
The angels' share 2012-2013
The apprentice 2024-2025
The artist 2011-2012
The artist way is? Gewoon doen! 2017-2018 2018: i.s.m. Minikroniek
The assassin 2015-2016
The assistant 2020-2021
The aviator 2005-2006
The band's visit 2007-2008 2008: Themadag
The bank of Dave 2023-2024
The battle of the sexes 2017-2018
The Beatles: Eight days a week 2016-2017
The beguiled 2017-2018
The best exotic Marigold hotel 2012-2013
The best of Dorien B. 2019-2020
The big Lebowski 1999-2000
The big short 2015-2016
The big sick 2017-2018
The biggest little farm 2019-2020
The bling ring 2013-2014
The blue kite 1994-1995
The boxer 1998-1999
The boy and the heron 2023-2024
The boy in the striped pyamas 2008-2009
The broken circle breakdown 2012-2013
The card counter 2021-2022
The cave of the yellow dog 2006-2007
The cement garden 1994-1995
The children act 2018-2019
The circle 2001-2002
The city of lost children 1996-1997
The color purple 2023-2024
The conversation 2024-2025
The cook, the thief, his wife and her love 1990-1991
The corridor 1996-1997 & 1997-1998
The crying game 1993-1994
The curse of the jade scorpion 2002-2003
The Danish girl 2015-2016 & 2017-2018 2017: in kader van Coming Out Festival
The Darjeeling limited 2008-2009
The dark horse 2015-2016
The daughter 2016-2017
The day I became a woman 2003-2004
The dead don't hurt 2024-2025
The death of Stalin 2018-2019 2018: Overijssels Film Festival
The diving bell and the butterfly 2008-2009 2008: + lezing
The domino effect 2012-2013
The dreamers 2004-2005
The duke 2021-2022
The duke of Burgundy 2015-2016
The edukators 2005-2006
The elephant man 2018-2019
The eternal daughter 2023-2024
The fall of the American empire 2019-2020
The farewell party 2015-2016
The father 2021-2022
The fault in our stars 2014-2015
The favourite 2018-2019
The fish fall in love 2007-2008
The Florida project 2017-2018
The French dispatch 2021-2022
The frozen north 2009-2010
The fury of a patient man 2017-2018
The future 2011-2012
The garden 1996-1997
The goldfinch 2019-2020
The Grand Budapest Hotel 2013-2014
The great dictator 2021-2022
The guard 2011-2012
The Gullspång miracle 2024-2025 week van de docu
The hand of God 2021-2022
The hanging garden 1999-2000
The happiest day of Olli Mäki 2016-2017
The happy prince 2018-2019
The help 2013-2014 2013: i.s.m. Amnesty International
The hidden life of trees 2021-2022
The hours 2003-2004
The human resources manager 2011-2012
The hunter 2011-2012
The idiots 2000-2001
The idol 2016-2017
The illusionist 2007-2008 & 2010-2011
The imitation game 2014-2015
The imposter 2013-2014
The incredibles 2 2018-2019
The insult 2017-2018
The invader 2012-2013
The Irishman 2019-2020
The iron lady 2011-2012
The kid 2009-2010
The kid (gerestaureerd) 2021-2022
The kids are all right 2010-2011 & 2011-2012 2011: 1) Twentse Biënnale & 2) Buitenfilm
The killing of a sacred deer 2017-2018
The kindergarten teacher 2018-2019
The king 2018-2019 In kader van Serious Request
The ladykillers 2004-2005
The last bus 2022-2023
The last days of Shishmaref 2008-2009
The last king of Scotland 2008-2009
The light between oceans 2016-2017
The light thief 2011-2012
The lighthouse 2019-2020 2020: afgelast; 1ste lockdown covid 19 epidemie
The lion king 2019-2020
The lobster 2015-2016
The lost daughter 2021-2022
The lunchbox 2013-2014
The Magdalene sisters 2003-2004
The man who wasn't there 2002-2003
The master 2012-2013
The match factory girl 1991-1992
The merchant of Venice 2006-2007
The milk of sorrow 2009-2010
The mole agent 2020-2021 2021: afgelast; 3de lockdown covid 19 epidemie
The monk and the gun 2024-2025
The motorcycle diaries 2005-2006
The mourning forest 2008-2009 2008: + lezing, Dag van de Palliatieve Zorg
The movie teller 2024-2025
The music box 2009-2010
The navigators 2002-2003
The nest 2020-2021 2021: deels afgelast door covid 19 epidemie
The net 2017-2018
The old man and the gun 2018-2019
The only living boy in New York 2017-2018
The other side of hope 2017-2018
The outrun 2024-2025
The paperboy 2012-2013
The party (2017) 2017-2018 & 2024-2025 2024: besloten voorstelling
The personal history of David Copperfield 2020-2021 2020: afgelast; 3de lockdown covid 19 epidemie
The pianist 2003-2004
The piano 1994-1995
The player 1993-1994
The portrait of a lady 1997-1998
The post 2017-2018
The power of the dog 2021-2022
The promised land 2023-2024
The queen 2007-2008
The quiet girl 2023-2024
The reader 2009-2010
The red shoes 2010-2011
The red turtle 2016-2017
The remains of the day 1994-1995
The report 2019-2020
The rescue 2021-2022 1 van de 4 voorstellingen afgelast vanwege covid 19 epidemie
The return 2004-2005
The rider 2018-2019
The salesman 2016-2017
The Sapphires 2013-2014 2013: Music & Movies
The science of sleep 2007-2008
The sea 2004-2005
The second civil war 1998-1999
The secret of Kells 2010-2011
The selfish giant 2013-2014
The sense of an ending 2017-2018
The sessions 2012-2013
The shape of water 2017-2018
The singing club 2020-'21 & 2021-'22 & 2022-'23 2021: afgelast door covid 19 epidemie ; 2022: buitenfilm
The sisters brothers 2018-2019
The snapper 1994-1995
The son 2022-2023
The sound of noise 2011-2012 2011: Music & Movies
The square 2017-2018
The story of Anvil 2009-2010 2010: Music & Movies
The story of everything 2015-2016
The story of Qiu Ju 1993-1994
The straight story 2024-2025
The sun 2006-2007
The sweet hereafter 1998-1999
The Syrian bride 2006-2007
The tango lesson 1998-1999
The third man 2009-2010
The three burials 2006-2007
The tragedy of Macbeth 2021-2022
The tree of life 2011-2012
The trial 2013-2014
The trip 2011-2012
The trip to Italy 2014-2015
The truffle hunters 2020-2021 2021: afgelast; lockdown covid 19 epidemie
The Truman show 1999-2000
The two popes 2019-2020 2020: afgelast; lockdown covid 19 epidemie
The unbearable lightness of being 1990-1991
The virgin suicides 2001-2002 & 2023-2024
The visitor 2008-2009
The way I spent the end of the world 2007-2008
The wedding banquet 1994-1995
The wife 2018-2019
The wind that shakes the barley 2007-2008
The wooden camera 2009-2010
The world 2006-2007
The world to come 2021-2022
The worst person in the world 2021-2022
Thelma (film uit 2017) 2017-2018
Thelma (film uit 2024) 2024-2025
There will be blood 2008-2009
They shall not grow old 2019-2020
Things to do in Denver when you're dead 1997-1998
Thomas est amoureux 2001-2002
Three billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri 2017-2018
Three identical strangers 2018-2019
Three times 2006-2007
Tickets 2006-2007
Tie me up, tie me down 1992-1993
Tiempo compartido 2018-2019
Tierra 1997-1998
Timbuktu 2015-2016
Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy 2011-2012
Titina 2023-2024
To Rome with love 2012-2013
To the wonder 2013-2014
Todo sobre mi madre 2000-2001
Todos lo saben 2018-2019
Toen mijn vader een struik werd 2017-2018
Toen we van de Duitsers verloren 2023-2024
Together (Europese film uit 2000) 2001-2002 & 2024-2025 2024: themadagen
Together (Aziatische film uit 2002) 2004-2005
Together 99 2024-2025 themadagen
Tokyo story 2015-2016
Tom à la ferme 2014-2015
Toni Erdmann 2016-2017
Tonio 2016-2017 2016: Boek en Film
Tony 10 2012-2013
Tori et Lokita 2022-2023
Tot ziens 1996-1997
Tot ziens, jongens 1992-1993
Totem (Nederlandse familiefilm uit 2022) 2022-2023
Tótem (Mexicaans drama uit 2023) 2023-2024
Toto le héros 1992-1993
Tournée 2010-2011
Tous les soleils 2011-2012
Tout s'est bien passé 2021-2022
Tout va bien, on s'en va 2001-2002
Tracks 2014-2015
Trahir 1994-1995
Trainspotting 1997-1998
Transsylvania 2007-2008
Treasure 2024-2025
Triangle of sadness 2022-2023
Triple agent 2005-2006
Tristana 1993-1994
Trois couleurs: blanc 1995-1996
Trois couleurs: bleu 1995-1996
Trois couleurs: rouge 1994-1995
Trois vies et une seule mort 1997-1998
Troubled water 2009-2010
True mothers 2020-2021 & 2021-2022 2021-1: afgelast; lockdown covid 19 epidemie
Truman 2016-2017
Trust 1992-1993
Trys dienos 1993-1994
Tsotsi 2006-2007 2006: i.s.m. Amnesty International
Turist 2014-2015
Turtles can fly 2005-2006
Twente op film: Zo doo wiejleu dat 2021-2022 & 2022-2023
Two lovers 2012-2013 2012: + lezing



























